The AIM of this campaign is to make people in the village more aware of the cemetery as a green space in which to sit or walk and experience its tranquility and loveliness. To this end there will soon be two MEMORIAL BENCHES at either side of the cemetery enabling more time to just stop, sit and stare.

We currently have the services of Les Allen, who mows the grass and strims between the graves at regular intervals, and for the past year a number of volunteers have worked to clear ivy and brambles from the trees, cut back and trim the hedges, and generally try to keep the area tidy.

The PCC has approved the decision to clear brambles, saplings and tree roots all along the north boundary where there has been some encroachment into a few graves. This work will take place in late autumn, and, as one can imagine is very costly, given the extent of the boundary.

The whole cemetery space is a huge area though, so we are seeking MORE VOLUNTEERS to help: not only with the twice annual large clearings, but in between times whenever they are free; perhaps to ADOPT an old, NEGLECTED GRAVE, whose family members are no longer with us and keep it tidy; perhaps to help with RAISING the funds needed for the upkeep; perhaps with horticultural or ecological experience to ADVISE and HELP on planting areas, birdbox locations and the like; or perhaps take on specific care of the area round our WAR GRAVE.

We recently called in expert advice on the lovely YEW TREE AVENUE as it is clear that all is not well there; the conclusion is that there is strong suspicion that the trees are host to Phytophthora Root Disease, a fungus which slowly or quickly kills the roots. Some trees have already died.

There is no cure for the fungus. To maintain the trees that appear to be surviving we will need vigorous removal of brambles and ivy, all the way to the crowns of the trees. Dead branches can be pruned off but pruning any live branches will only cause further stress to the trees.

RECOMMENDATIONS: are that we remove the dead or nearly dead trees as soon as practically possible. Stumps should be ground out to below ground level and all debris from the hole removed and taken off site (these will be fungus contaminated) Trees will be replaced with Taxus baccata Fastigiate (Irish Yew) as soon as possible, preferably in the autumn and using container-grown trees as these have a higher success rate. (Where obtainable)


· Join the Cemetery Volunteer Working Group (email to

· Help with fundraising for this project

· Sponsor or donate towards tree replacement and cemetery improvements by BACS payments to PCC Defford cum Besford. Sort Code: 30-93-11. Acct# 01284058.

· It is important that all donations are MARKED with the letters CEM. (This is a separate Cemetery Fund)

If you are a taxpayer and wish to complete a GIFT AID form, these are on the counter at the entrance to the church, which is open from 10 am to 4 pm daily.

Completed forms should be in a sealed envelope marked “For the PCC Treasurer” and may be left in the church.

· Any CASH donations may be handed to Richard Clements, Pearl Winchester, Hazel Wakefield, Heather du Plessis

Defford Cemetery Campaign